Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How Facebook Can Help You To Lose Weight

    With over 750 million users worldwide, Facebook has completely changed the way we socialise and interact with one another and now it is looking to change the way we look too. Facebook and the Apps Race Since launching in 2004, Facebook has never struggled to keep up with the ever evolving world of technology and […]

  • Zuzana’s Full Body Core Workout

    Zuzana’s Full Body Core Workout

    Zuzana is a fitness instructor that has created several excellent full body core workouts for YouTube. She has an excellent figure with near perfectly toned abdominals. Anyone wanting to lose belly fat and tone up the abs should do these exercises. Here we share 3 of her short video workouts. Do not be fooled by […]

  • Michelle Obama Aims to Get America Fit – Who Can Do It for the UK?

    In the last week we have seen Michelle Obama in the news twice for her fitness antics. First up was her appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in America. Ellen challenged Michele to a push up contest and Michele Obama comfortable won – she did 25 push ups and looked like she still had plenty of strength […]

  • Weight Loss Tips From The Poppy Run

    Most government campaigns these days focus on telling people to get out of their chairs and exercise.  That isn’t necessarily a bad thing – staying active has numerous health benefits, but it has lead to some serious misconceptions about what people need to do to lose weight. How many times have you seen people spend […]

  • 12 Women’s Fitness Workouts

    This workout video from Femme Fatale Fitness is perfect for toning bums, tums and thighs. These workouts will target those stubborn areas to reduce fat and tone muscles. Warning: The sound is not good on this video, the trainer speaks quietly and the music is very loud! Nevertheless, it is worth watching to learn the […]

  • Basic Weight Training for Women

    Weight Training for women is really no different from any other weight training in principal, it is just that women generally prefer to start with a basic workout to build core strength and tone. Many women are put off weight training because it has a very masculine image, and women fear that they will bulk […]

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Fitness Workouts

    We are finally starting to see a shift in how people get fit. For the last 20 years people have flocked to large commercial gyms after the holiday season to start shedding some post Christmas turkey fat in time to hit the beaches the following summer. This is traditionally the time of year that gyms […]

  • Fun Ways to Get Fit Outdoors

    Exercising outdoors is a refreshing and invigorating way to get fit. Some researchers have found that taking regular outdoor exercise provides health advantages over exercising in the gym or fitness classes. During the winter when the days are shorter this is especially true as often people do not see daylight for days at a time. […]

  • Understanding Nutrition to Help You Lose Weight

    So you want to start eating better and losing weight? What exactly does “eating better” mean? Some people think eating better simply means eating less or skipping meals. But, losing weight and perhaps even more important, maintaining weight loss starts with a commitment to proper nutrition.

  • Want To Lose Weight? Go To Bed Early and Turn Out the Lights

    If you want a really easy weight loss tip, then this is it: Go to bed and turn out the lights! Research has shown that people who get at least 8 hours sleep a night lose more weight than those that get less than 6 hours of sleep, even if diet (in terms of both calories […]

  • Exercise Routine to Target Cellulite

    “There are no truly effective treatments for cellulite.” Mathew M Avram, 2004. We have started with this quote from Mathew Avram as it is important to know that currently there are still no known cures or effective treatments for reducing cellulite. However, one method that some people have claimed to help to reduce the visual appearance […]

  • Summer Diet and Workout Plans

    Two of the best foods to aid weight loss by controlling appetite are porridge and soup. However, during the summer months nobody really wants to have a hot bowl of porridge for breakfast or a steaming bowl of soup for lunch. The easy option is often to resort to processed breakfast cereals or toast for breakfast or […]

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